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ASH Welfare Society is a non governmental organisation NGO formed for the upliftment of the society in multi dimensional ways ASH Welfare Society is humanitarian voluntary and philanthropic unit working with under privileged and most neglected segment of the society especially women and children in the field of education health etc girls and women, to help them earn their bread and butter.

The core purpose of ASH Welfare Society is to promote quality education for all specially women and children and deserving talented candidates who otherwise can’t afford it. To help them to be healthy by organising blood donation camps health checkup camps and awareness campaigns

The down trodden society is not only the responsibility of the government we as a citizen co-own it and work to help the nation. You cannot expect a nation to thrive if a section of the society is not thriving. Education , environment ,health, livelyhood, mental health ,productivity ,and stress free life for everyone is our mission.

We Need Donations

$1,200 Raised so far $5,000 Our Goal

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All donations are tax deductable.

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Donation Total: $100

Our Development Goals


Clean Water
and Save life

Good Health
and Care.

For the Goals






Environment Awareness Program


Child Nutrition


Volunteers In 2023


People We Helped In 2023

$ 0 k

Funds We Collected

Help The Poors With ASH Welfare Society Organization

We Are World WIde Organization

The core purpose of ASH Welfare Society is to promote quality education for all specially women and children and deserving talented candidates who otherwise can’t afford it. To help them to be healthy by organising blood donation camps health checkup camps and awareness campaigns.



Protect and enhance poverty.
23 Cases Report
Donation Needed
32 Cases Report
Donation Needed
55 Cases Report
Donation Needed
68 Cases Report
Donation Needed

Our Campaigns

Help to raise valuable donations for local disaster relief

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Donation Total: $100

A New Album by Rebecca: Help poor people

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Donation Total: $100

South African Pre Primary School Build

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Donation Total: $100

Our Donation Is Hope For Poor Childrens

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Donation Total: $100

Charitable donations a Human Services

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Donation Total: $100

Help to raise valuable donations for Kids Food

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Donation Total: $100

Lets Change The

World With Humanity

Delivering help and hope to children


Completed Projects​


People We Helped


Awards Achieved

ASH Welfare Society

What Clients
Says About Performance

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0 K

Fund Raised

0 +


0 +


ASH Welfare Society Volunteer’s

ASH Welfare Society Organization Promise

Have Any Question


Frequently Asked Question’s


For Residents of India, It is INR 5500 per year for a ASH Welfare Society studying in primary school (Class 1-5) and INR 6100 per year for a ASH Welfare Society studying in secondary school (Class 6-10). If you are a UK Resident, You may contribute to Jamalul Quran UK by donating £70 to support a girl and boy studying in primary school (Class I – V) and £66 to support a girl and boy studying in secondary school (Class VI – X) for a minimum period of one year. If you are a resident of the USA, you may contribute to Jamalul Quran USA by donating $80 to support a girl and boy studying in primary school (Grade I – V) and $85 to support a girl and boy studying in secondary school (Grade VI – X) for a minimum period of one year.

We do not encourage sending gifts so that the other children, who are not ASH Welfare Society, don’t feel left out. In case, a cheque is sent as a gift, we use the money to distribute sweets to all the girls in the ASH Welfare Society’s class.
  • For Residents of India, It is INR 5500 per year for a ASH Welfare Society studying in primary school (Class 1-5) and INR 6100 per year for a ASH Welfare Society studying in secondary school (Class 6-10).
  • If you are a UK Resident, You may contribute to Jamalul Quran UK by donating £70 to support a girl studying in primary school (Class I – V) and £66 to support a girl studying in secondary school (Class VI – X) for a minimum period of one year.
  • If you are a resident of the USA, you may contribute to Jamalul Quran USA by donating $80 to support a girl studying in primary school (Grade I – V) and $85 to support a girl studying in secondary school (Grade VI – X) for a minimum period of one year.
  • Academic Support and Access to an Adaptive Learning Software via Digital Tablets: Daily academic support is provided at ASH Welfare Society Academic Support Centres which are set up within government schools and operate for 2 hours before/after school. In partnership with leading EdTech organisation, Educational Initiatives, every ASH Welfare Society at these centres will receive access to a personalized, adaptive learning platform called Mindspark. This widely recognized software has been proven to significantly improve learning outcomes amongst users. Through Mindspark, ASH Welfare Societys will learn Maths, their local Language and English from Class 1-10, and additionally, Science from Class 6-10. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Mindspark will match instructions to the learning level and pace of each ASH Welfare Society, ensuring that she learns with understanding. The software will be pre-loaded onto digital tablets, allowing access to quality education even in remote locations.
  • Trained Women Tutors: ASH Welfare Society tutors (called Community Associates) are women from local communities who facilitate learning and mentor the ASH Welfare Societys through their schooling, and also engage with parents/community stakeholders to create girl-friendly ecosystems.
  • Sports Curriculum: A professionally designed sports curriculum has been built into the programme, giving ASH Welfare Society the opportunity to participate in sport and fitness activities regularly.
  • School Supplies Kit: A kit including a school bag, stationery and a pullover/raincoat is provided to every ASH Welfare Society annually. With 45.6% of teenage girls in India still following unhygienic menstrual practices* a 12-month supply of branded sanitary napkins is included in each kit to help the girl attend school with dignity.

Each sponsorship cycle is of one year. You can decide to support the education of as many ASH Welfare Society as you wish for up to 3 years instead of just one ASH Welfare Society and one year. For example, you can support 1 ASH Welfare Society for 3 years at a time or support 3 ASH Welfare Societys for one year and renew the support each year or decide on any other combination of number of ASH Welfare Societys and years. The choice is completely yours.

In case all ASH Welfare Societies from an entire school have been supported by you, a school visit can be organized by and in the presence of the Jamalul Quran and/or the implementing NGO team. To protect the interest of both the donor as well as the ASH Welfare Society, one-on-one interactions are not allowed.

We do not give choices in area/region/caste/creed in the selection of ASH Welfare Society as our aim is to reach every underprivileged girl child in India in an unbiased manner, prioritizing the need for support. We have a list of girls and Boys who require the support that Project ASH Welfare Society will provide and thus, we urge donors to contribute towards the education of the girls and Boys irrespective of these conditions.

From every donation, only 5% of the funds are retained by the charity for administrative, marketing, and fund-raising costs; the remaining 95% is utilized exclusively towards our project expenses.

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